Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 30/11/2021

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina recognises the status of “parent-carers”

A new ESPN Flash report, prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN), provide information on the recognition of the status of a “parent-carer” in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A group of elderly people talking on a bench in a park

In September 2021, the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina) adopted a Law on parent-carers, introducing benefits for unemployed parents or guardians of persons with a disability requiring 24-hour care. The amount of the benefit will be equal to the country’s minimum wage.

Although the scheme brings recognition of parent-carer status and provides modest benefits, it neglects important needs of persons with a disability. The scheme, for example, imposes restrictions on participation in educational activities.

It has also been criticised because it reinforces the role of families and parents as primary carers and discourages employment of both parents by confining one of them (in practice often the mother) to provide care at home.

The ESPN Flash Reports reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information they contain.

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