Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 28/10/2021

Commissioner Schmit shares his optimism for future of European labour markets in latest episode of PESPod

In the latest episode of PESPod - the podcast of the European PES Network - European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, explains how Public Employment Services (PES) can successfully support the transitions needed to address Europe’s multiple labour market challenges.

Commissioner Nicolas Schmit during the podcast recording

During the episode 8 of PESPod podcasts, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit reflects on the current state of labour markets in Europe, and the crucial roles Public Employment Services (PES) and the PES Network have to play in responding to crises and supporting essential labour market transitions: “The challenges are huge but I am quite confident that these changes will be successful.

He shares his recollections of the unfolding drama of the Covid crisis and the efforts in the EU to find the right solutions. “The SURE measure was really put into place in a very short period. I’m very glad that we managed this. Millions of jobs could be saved.

Listen out also for his views and recognition of the valuable contribution of PES and the PES Network to better managing this crisis.

The Commissioner tells us how skills are now “the key element of all active labour market policies” - particularly around the urgent digital and green transitions: “People have to get the right skills. But they should not be left alone to do that. Here, PES are an important player.

He also shares the key lessons he believes Europe can take from the pandemic and highlights the value of “strong social frameworks and institutions” to react quickly in a crisis, to give people basic security and to support their ability to maintain their income.

Leaving people outside, leaving people behind is really something we cannot afford.”

Hear more about the Commissioner’s views on these and other topics – such as the role of social partners, well-managed immigration and the strength of the EU recovery - all in the latest episode of PESPod!

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