Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 22/11/2021

Europe’s Public Employment Services responding to the demands of the Youth Guarantee

A new survey-based report from the PES Network highlights the progress made by Public Employment Services (PES) in increasingly aligning with the recommendations of the reinforced Youth Guarantee – a key challenge for the smooth functioning of Europe’s labour markets.

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Ahead of the European Year of Youth 2022, a new report from the PES Network - ‘Monitoring of PES support of the reinforced Youth Guarantee’ – focuses on the latest updates in PES administrative capacity to implement the reinforced Youth Guarantee (YG) adopted in October 2020.

Most positively, the report finds that the partnership-based approach is now applied by all PES in working with young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) and most have relevant targets in place. It also highlights important progress by PES in: staff allocation and training; profiling or screening tools; and the provision of services to overcome barriers to employment or education.

The report recognises that this progress has been made despite the serious challenges of the Covid pandemic, whilst also setting out areas for further progress in terms of: skills recognition and development; post-placement support to young people; and monitoring and evaluation of youth guarantee interventions.

This latest report both reiterates and builds on the clear recognition that Public Employment Services (PES) have a key role to play in implementing the reinforced Youth Guarantee and has been published as part of the PES Network’s ongoing commitment to supporting and monitoring its delivery.

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