Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 04/05/2021

Commission’s support for social dialogue: new projects launched

The European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan calls for reinforcing social dialogue at national and EU level.

Couple in the middle of a crowd

Part of the support for social dialogue that the European Commission provides is made available via dedicated calls for proposals.

All the grant agreements for projects awarded under the 2020 calls for proposals of “Information and training measures for worker’s organisations” and “Support for social dialogue” have been recently signed. The new projects can start!

More than 15 million euro will be invested to strengthen the capacity of social partner organisations to address challenges in the changing world of work.

The calls focus on promoting collective bargaining, social dialogue, fostering worker’s representation, social partners’ capacity building, decent working conditions and health and safety at work.

The projects that were selected in 2020 will also address the challenges linked to digitalisation of the economy and society, including artificial intelligence, the greening of the economy, sustainability, transition to a climate-neutral economy, social rights of atypical workers and gender equality.

The projects are implemented by the social partners in a number of sectors of the economy and often contribute to the work programme of the respective Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees (SSDCs).

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