Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


EaSI Technical Assistance webinar: Introducing new fintech models in the microfinance space

The European Union is offering the last EaSI Technical Assistance webinar in the series dedicated to the New Business Models across the microfinance sector in the European Union. These series are targeted to explore the new forms of business models in response to adapt to new norms of the COVID - 19 pandemic on the edge with emerged modern digital solutions available on the market.

This third webinar serie under the EaSI Technical Assistance is structured as so to introduce the new fintech models in the microfinance world, those are treated as relative newcomers to the market compared to old-fashioned business models.

In the run of this last webinar session, all the participants will have the momentum to collect and reflect on a lift of innovations from the fintech sector and how those technological firms operate and benefit from the latest digital solutions available on the market. 

This webinar session is structured as such to let all the participants to learn and master their knowledge on the following below objectives:

  • What is a fintech and how does it apply to microfinance?
  • What makes a fintech business model a successful blueprint for a microfinance institution?
  • What are the benefits and risks of operating a fintech in the microfinance space?

Attendance for this webinar is free of charge.

All events in this webinar series

Here is an overview of all sessions from this webinar series:


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