Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

08/12/2021 Online

EaSI Technical Assistance - Webinar on Kicking off eCommerce at Microfinance: digital onboarding of clients and measuring financial results

The European Union is offering a webinar for microfinance institutions (MFI) on targeting and outreaching their clients thought the most prominent social media channels.

This Webinar will review the outreach practices available on the market of social media promotion. The participants will discover first-hand knowledge on measures needed to assess effectiveness and financial viability of online marketing campaigns. 

It will also present evidence on effectiveness of investing on marketing campaigns, and provide a few tips and tricks on how to effectively cooperate with digital marketing and advertising agencies.  

During this webinar you will practice your skill on:

  • Targeting the right customer 
  • A/B Testing 
  • Reporting: financial indicators
  • Cooperation with agencies 
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

This Webinar is free of charge and targeted to microfinance institution representatives who are looking for optimal and fresh solutions to enhance their work and outreach to potential clients.

The webinar is funded by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). European microfinance providers, either selected as EaSI Technical Assistance beneficiaries or interested to apply for the programme can contact easi.ta@fs.de to receive more information about this event, as well as to request the participation in or organisation of similar events.


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