Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

09/12/2021 Online

Media seminar: Improving working conditions in digital platform work, 9 December

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) invites journalists to take part in a media seminar on improving working conditions in platform work. The online event on 9 December will present and explain the Commission initiative with high-level speakers, policy experts, and representatives from digital platforms and workers.

Illustration evoking digital work platform works (food delivering motobike)

You are a journalist specialised on employment/social issues or digital/platform economy? You work for regional, national or European media?

Please submit your registration to the online media seminar on Platform economy organised by the European Commission.


The Commission is coming forward with an initiative on improving the working conditions for people working through digital labour platforms on the same day, i.e. Thursday, 9 December. The aim is to ensure that people working through platforms have decent working conditions and help digital labour platforms continue expanding across the EU.


During the seminar, you will learn more about the broader context of the Commission’s initiative and have a chance to ask your questions to European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit. People working in the platform economy as well as companies in the sector will share their experiences and perspectives. Policy experts will examine the issue from a regulatory point of view.

Commissioner Schmit will be present for a Q&A session with journalists.

Practical information

Please confirm your interest to attend this online event via the registration formby Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 19:00 CET.

The link to join the seminar will be shared following registration.


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