Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

09/11/2021 - 10/11/2021

Thematic Review Workshop on PES Support to recovery

This Thematic Review Workshop took stock of promising PES strategies and measures to support recovery, and discussed ways of handling the change from job preservation to support of job creation and structural change.

The workshop discussions were structured in three sessions:

  1. Cooperation with employers, with PES presentations from Slovenia and Norway;
  2. Supporting sectoral and occupational transitions, with PES presentations from Belgium, the Netherlands; and
  3. Labour market analysis for the recovery, with PES presentations from Spain and Estonia.

Participants included 29 representatives of 16 Public Employment Services (PES), with the Dutch PES, UWV Werkbedrijf, hosting the event.

A thematic paper on PES Support to recovery will be published in the PES Network Knowledge Centre shortly.

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