Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

10/09/2021 Madrid

The posting of workers and the Brexit Agreements - developments and challenges

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) organised a seminar in Madrid (Spain) on 10 September 2021.

The seminar was organised by MoveS in collaboration with its Spanish national expert, Dolores Carrascosa Bermejo.

MoveS is an EC-funded network of independent experts from 32 European countries coordinated by Eftheia and Deloitte.

The seminar firstly focused on the Posting Directive and its transposition in the different Member States. Emphasis was laid on the practical aspects that must be analysed by companies that post workers in the new regulatory framework. The possible control by national labour inspections was also touched upon.

Secondly, the seminar also analysed the consequences of Brexit on mobility and social security coordination and focused on Spain's current relationship with the United Kingdom and Gibraltar, and the aspects that should be considered by Spanish and British companies, workers, and citizens.



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