Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


3rd Meeting of Working Group on Supporting PES Visibility and Branding

The third meeting of this PES Network Working Group (WG) saw an exchange among the nine participating Public Employment Services (PES) on the common challenges and related communication aspects that PES have been facing in a COVID-19 context.

Participants agreed to continue their exchanges on the topic over the course of 2021 and carry on sharing ideas and solutions to boosting PES visibility as a means to reaching employers and jobseekers.

The main WG output is a Practice Casebook on an enhanced use of communication channels, particularly of social media; improved measurement and evaluation; and ‘action learning’ among peers. It offers good-practice examples from several PES and summarises key points from the WG discussions.

The meeting built on discussions held at the 1st WG meeting of 12 May 2020 and the 2nd WG meeting of 4 November 2020.

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