Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

23/03/2021 - 24/03/2021

Second EaSI conference (2021): Supporting the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and synergies with other EU programmes

The second conference of the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme took place online on 23-24 March 2021.

The conference looked back at the achievements and lessons learned from the EaSI programme (2014-2020) and on how projects have adapted to change, including, most recently, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. It also explored opportunities for synergies to be created with ESF+, notably between direct and shared management, and with other relevant EU programmes and initiatives.

The conference included interactive workshops covering the policy priorities of the EaSI strand in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights, and cross-cutting issues such as social innovation, communication/outreach and upscaling/transfer of successful experiences. The event was attended by EaSI beneficiaries and other stakeholders, including civil society organisations, private sector organisations, public sector representatives, academics and citizens.

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