Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

18/03/2021 - 19/03/2021

PES Network Thematic Review Workshop on Youth employment support

This in-depth event examined youth employment support across Europe and how public employment services (PES) need to adapt their offer to ensure successful implementation of the Youth Guarantee.

The 1.5-day PES Network event attracted around 40 participants from 18 PES. It was hosted by the French PES, Pôle emploi, and included:

  1. an opening update from the European Commission on the reinforced Youth Guarantee as defined in the EU Council’s Recommendation ‘A Bridge to Jobs – Reinforcing the Youth Guarantee’ of October 2020.
  2. A presentation on ‘strengthening partnerships with youth organisations to improve the Youth Guarantee’ from the European Youth Forum at the start of day two.

A series of three thematic sessions saw PES presentations and breakout-room discussions addressing in a logical order:

  1. Identification of and outreach to vulnerable young people (Youth Guarantee mapping and outreach phase). PES presentations from:
    • BE-Actiris: Partnership measure for NEETs
    • Estonia: Mobile counselling
  2. Tailoring services to match the needs of vulnerable young people (Youth Guarantee preparatory phase). PES presentations from:
    • France: ‘one young person, one solution’ initiative
    • Finland: national performance-based job coaching
  3. Offer of employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship for vulnerable young people (Youth Guarantee implementation). PES presentation from:
    • Norway: Work-oriented approach to place and train vulnerable young people.

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