Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


2nd follow-up meeting for the Greek PES Mutual Assistance Project

This online meeting saw discussions between the Greek and Estonian PES on how to take forward the outcomes from the February workshop of the ongoing Mutual Assistance Project (MAP) in support of the Greek PES.

The Estonian PES (Töötukassa) provided further information and responded to specific questions from their peers in the Greek PES (OAED) around: data utilisation; promoting quality and obtaining customer feedback. Topics addressed included staff training, performance assessment, caseload management and customer satisfaction targets.

The meeting also explored how MAP outputs can be integrated into emerging proposals from the DG Reform project for the reform of counselling services in Greece.

The meeting specifically built upon the outcomes from the 2nd online workshop for the Greek PES Mutual Assistance Project of 16-17 February 2021.

Previous events in this series include the 1st online workshop of the Greek PES Mutual Assistance Project of 26-27 May 2020, the more recent ad-hoc workshop for the Greek PES Mutual Assistance Project on Key Performance Indicators of 13 October 2020 and the 1st follow-up meeting for the Greek PES Mutual Assistance Project of 26 October.

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