Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

12/11/2020 - 13/11/2020

Thematic review workshop: Tools and approaches to tackle fraudulent temporary agency work, prompting undeclared work

On 12-13 November 2020, the European Platform tackling undeclared work organised an online thematic review workshop on the issue of fraudulent temporary agency work, prompting undeclared work.

This event brought together 37 Platform members and designated representatives from 19 EU Member States representing labour inspectorates, customs authorities, ministries of labour and European level social partners, as well as representatives from Eurofound and the ILO, the European Commission and the European Labour Authority to engage in mutual learning and exchange knowledge.

Participants reflected on the state of play in relation to fraudulent agency work, prompting undeclared work, across the EU.

They also discussed the available practical tools and approaches to tackle the problem, both within the Member States and through cross-border cooperation.

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