Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


2nd online workshop of the Brussels Region PES Mutual Assistance Project

The second and final online workshop in support of Actiris – the PES for the Brussels Region in Belgium – focused on sharing and discussing further PES practices in data management. The event was part of the ongoing Mutual Assistance Project (MAP) in support of Actiris’s digital transformation.

The one-day workshop saw presentations from:

  • The French PES (Pôle emploi) – on its strategy for data-driven service delivery, focusing on staff buy-in and organisational aspects;
  • The German PES (BA) – on how to share data with other organisations and how to implement data protection;
  • The Slovenian PES (ESS) – on organisational and strategic aspects of data collection and data exchange; and
  • The European Commission (DG EMPL) – on the past and future development of ESCO, the classification of European Skills, Competences, Occupations and Qualifications.

The workshop was supported by expert interventions from the author of an input paper, Willem Pieterson, expert facilitator Eamonn Davern, and the PES Network Secretariat.

This event built on the discussions from the first online workshop in December 2020.

You can also read more about Actiris’s positive reaction to their participation in this Mutual Assistance Project.

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