Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

04/11/2020 - 05/11/2020

2nd Meeting of the PES Network Working Group on PES visibility

The 2nd meeting of this PES Network Working Group (WG) saw an exchange of communication practices among national Public Employment Services (PES) in an effort to support and boost PES visibility and branding.

The WG’s host organisation Eesti Töötukassa – the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund – presented its wide-ranging and holistic communication strategy. Further examples presented of often pioneering national practice include:

  • Publicising young people’s success stories on Facebook by the Lithuanian PES;
  • Targeting of older people through the ‘a matter of a matter of attitude: 50+’ project in Austria;
  • ‘Labour through the lens’ photographic competition in Bulgaria;
  • The weekly TV programme ‘Il Posto Giusto’ broadcast on RAI 3 in Italy;
  • Use of infographics by the Spanish PES;
  • A regular newsletter of the Danish PES;
  • Evaluation of campaigns in Belgium.

Discussions highlighted challenges around meeting public expectations, selecting the right tools for different age groups and the need for stronger evaluation procedures, as well as the obvious impact of COVID-19.

The meeting directly followed up and built on the kick-off WG meeting of 12 May 2020.

A set of visibility and branding guiding notes will be drawn up for discussion at the next WG meeting, due to take place in early 2021.

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