Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Ad-hoc online workshop for the Greek PES Mutual Assistance Project

At this ad-hoc online workshop, the Estonian PES, Töötukassa, presented and explained its Key Performance Indicator (KPI) system to the Greek PES, OAED. The event marked the latest activity of the ongoing Mutual Assistance Project (MAP) in support of the Greek PES.

The event enabled discussions and exchanges between the two PES covering the original development of the Estonian model and lessons learned, as well as the latest changes and practical insights on performance monitoring.

It also featured discussions on the specific transferability of certain elements of the Estonian KPI system to the Greek PES.

This workshop built upon the outcomes from the first major activity of the Greek MAP of 26-27 May 2020 and will be followed by another event on 26 October 2020.

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