Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


2nd Meeting of the PES Network Working Group on New Forms of Work

The second meeting of the PES Network Working Group (WG) on ‘New Forms of Work’ took place online on 9 October 2020, hosted by the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS). It focused on the role of PES in managing structural change and modernising the labour market, and preparing for post-COVID-19 labour market challenges.

An internal briefing paper presented by Thematic Expert Nicola Duell set out an appraisal of the economic and labour market consequences of the COVID-19 crisis so far. The European Commission (EC) highlighted the range of recent PES ideas and practices to respond to these considerable challenges and the importance of sharing these among PES Network members.

The subsequent exchanges amongst the PES addressed strategies that PES can adopt to facilitate COVID-19 crisis recovery, taking into account political and resource constraints. This input will feed into an Opinion Paper to be presented to the full PES Board for their consideration later in the year.

This event followed on from the first WG meeting of 5 May 2020. Members of the WG include PES from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden.

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