Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Follow-up meeting of the Spanish PES Mutual Assistance Project

This online meeting – between representatives of the Spanish PES (SEPE) and the European Commission – reflected on the lessons learnt from the Spanish Mutual Assistance Programme (MAP) since 2018 and the impact of Covid-19 on the future of this work.

Planned Spanish MAP activities for 2020 had intended to focus on how to most effectively leverage the European Social Fund Plus to support modernisation of the PES and how to better address important demographic challenges. These will now be covered by one event in spring 2021.

The General Director of the Spanish PES, Mr Gerardo Gutiérrez, presented the latest trends from Spain and overviewed the 2020 Spanish Annual Plan for Employment Policies. He highlighted PES responses to the dramatic impact of COVID-19, including enhanced teleworking and a new tool for managing and paying benefits.

Participants also reflected on the outcomes of the two 2019 Spanish MAP events in Zaragoza and Sevilla, which made progress in the discussions on a new methodology to identify skills needs, technological improvements in the prospective work and the set up of an active profiling tool.

National efforts to improve the analysis and tools for preventing unemployment and meeting future labour market needs were highlighted.

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