Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Webinar on PES analysis of local labour market needs in the recovery phase

This PES Network mutual learning event exchanged experiences on how Public Employment Services (PES) are analysing labour market needs and skills requirements in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.

The exchanges focused particularly on online practices introduced to enable PES to assist both employers and jobseekers with the challenges and risks in the COVID-19 recovery phase.

The webinar showed case tools and models used by PES to answer local labour, regional and national labour market needs, with an emphasis on how these techniques can be applied by PES to support the recovery phase.

The webinar gathered 180 participants who heard presentations from:

  • the French PES on an annual survey on companies’ hiring intentions;
  • the Lithuanian PES on measures to support worker mobility; and
  • the Irish PES on their work to assess skills demand in the face of COVID.

This PES Network webinar is the second in a series dedicated to PES practices and experiences in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. See also the webinar on PES Capacity planning measures.

Practical information

A recording of the webinar is available here.

For more information, see the webinar agenda.

For any further questions, please contact pesnetwork@fondazionebrodolini.eu.

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