Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


3rd Meeting of Working Group on Partnership Management

The third and final meeting of the PES Network Working Group (WG) on ‘Partnership Management’ concluded that PES should consider working in partnership any time this presents potential for improving services to customers, who, depending on the context or specific project, can be jobseekers, employers, ministers or others.

PES can obtain most value from collaborations by adopting an a la carte approach, combining elements from different partnership models to meet both immediate needs and emerging trends, such as the ‘green’ agenda.

Success factors for effective partnerships can include: good governance through proportionate monitoring and review; partner commitment; skills and training for staff; and a predefined scope for PES involvement to design and deliver services.

This third meeting took place online on 27 May 2020. It built directly on the discussions during the 2nd WG meeting of 13 May 2020.

A working paper will be published in the coming weeks including the detailed findings and outputs of the three working group meetings.

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