Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Live Discussion: Remote Learning – How technology is empowering new forms of work-based learning

On 14 May, the first in a series of EAfA Live Discussions will take place, giving you the opportunity to discuss how technology is enabling new ways of work-based learning.

Time: 11:00 – 12:00 CEST

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This is an opportunity for EAfA members and supporters to network and share knowledge with peers despite the ongoing social distancing measures.

The discussion will be led by a panel of thematic experts, practitioners and representatives of European and international organisations. Each session will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions, share your thoughts and share any other relevant inputs you may have.

The first topic is ‘Remote Learning - How technology is empowering new forms of work-based learning’ and the panel will include: 

  • Andrew McCoshan - Moderator
  • Dana-Carmen Bachmann - Head of Unit, DG EMPL
  • Charlie James – European Apprentices Network (EAN)
  • Barbara Ofstad - Head of Siemens Professional Education in Germany
  • Juliet Desmet and Joke Van Gheluwe – IMEC - Smart Education @ Schools
  • Theresa Fleidl - Vice President of Professional Training Policy and Human Resource Cooperations at Munich Airport

During this live discussion, the following areas will be explored:

  • How is the VET sector adapting to the COVID-19 crisis?
  • How is the sector ensuring that apprentices continue to acquire the full range of skills while staying at home?
  • What lessons can be taken from the current situation and hat would be required to expand the use of remote learning in VET provision?
  • What is the future of remote learning in VET provision?

How to participate

Register here to take part.

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