Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

26/05/2020 - 27/05/2020

1st online workshop of the Greek PES Mutual Assistance Project

The first major activity of the PES Network Mutual Assistance Project (MAP) in support of the Greek PES, OAED, took place in an online workshop over 1.5 days, 26-27 May 2020.

Three sessions focused on:

1. The objectives of the Greek PES MAP around strengthening the client-employer matching system, including through improvements in: client profiling; client referrals; employer engagement; use of technology; and overall monitoring.

2. Presentation of the model of the Estonian PES, Töötukassa, including its specific approaches to: forecasting; data infrastructure; performance monitoring; and impact analysis.

3. Discussion on potential transfer of the Estonian model to the Greek PES – including identification of the enablers of the Estonian model and aspects to be adapted to the Greek context.

Depending on global health conditions, MAP activities will continue later this year. At least one site visit to Estonia and a workshop in Athens are currently foreseen in autumn 2020.

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