Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Lunchtime webinar - Third country workers in the EU: a state of affairs

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) organised a lunchtime webinar on 8 May 2020.

Third country nationals represent a substantial part of all mobile workers within the European Union. The Treaty of Maastricht introduced the common immigration policy of the EU and more recent legislation has been further shaping the legal situation of third country nationals, but where do we stand today?

This webinar provided a comprehensive overview of the current state of affairs. We first looked into the main differences between the legal situation of third country nationals and EU mobile workers, followed by a more detailed discussion of questions related to social security rights, equal treatment and family reunification. Participants also had the opportunity to ask questions, write comments and share their views.  The webinar has been recorded and is available for replay.

Live session: Friday, 8th of May 2020, 11:30 – 13:00 CEST

Speakers: Prof. dr. Ferdinand Wollenschläger, Prof. dr.Herwig Verschueren, Prof. dr. Sophie Robin-Olivier, Prof. dr. Anne Pieter van der Mei

Moderation: Filip Van Overmeiren

Replay the webinar (external link)



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