Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Webinar: Representation of apprentices in vocational education and training

Expert speakers Patricia Vale and Ilona Murphy from ICF, join the EAfA's seventh webinar to discuss the outcomes of the European Apprentices Network (EAN) study.

Time: 10.00 – 11.00 CET

In addition to presenting the outcomes of the study on the Representation of Apprentices in Vocational Education and Training (VET), the webinar will closely examine what apprentice representation structures exist across Europe and will discuss suggestions on how to further develop the European Apprentices Network.

The webinar will also present inspiring practices from selected apprentice representation structures in Europe.

About the speakers:

The expert speakers are Patricia Vale, a senior consultant at ICF who specialises in education and training policies; and Ilona Murphy, an associate consultant at ICF who specialises in apprenticeship policy, validation of non-formal and informal learning and early school leaving.

Patricia and Ilona have been involved in several apprenticeship studies. These include a DG EAC study on ‘European Alliance for Apprenticeships - Assessment of progress and planning the future’, Cedefop study on ‘Cross national overview on apprenticeships’, and DG EMPL ‘Study on the Representation of apprentices in Vocational Education and Training and other relevant bodies or networks in EU Member States’

How to participate

Register to attend the webinar

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