Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

28/10/2019 - 29/10/2019 Madrid

EaSI Technical Assistance workshop on valuation, exit strategies and fundraising

The European Commission is offering a social finance workshop under the EaSI Technical Assistance programme for social enterprise finance providers on valuation, exit strategies and fundraising.

Binder, notebook and pen

© PhotoSGH / Shutterstock

This practitioner-led workshop focuses on the technical aspects of the investment process and will cover the following topics:

  • Valuation: the valuation of a social enterprise depends on inputs such as revenues projections, cost structures and multiples among others. The workshop will illustrate different approaches used in the sector and discuss case studies.
  • Exit strategies: exit strategies are an integral part of the investment process and depend on the financial instrument. The workshop will cover all forms of financial instruments with a specific focus on equity investments in social enterprises. There are a growing number of such investments, but there are still no established exit strategies.
  • Fundraising: fundraising is a recurring theme for social enterprise finance intermediaries. A dedicated session will introduce various options and the associated implications.

At the end of the workshop, participants should have a better understanding of valuation methods, exit strategies and their influence on investment strategies as well as fundraising approaches followed by intermediaries across Europe.

The workshop will be moderated by Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl from the European Center for Social Finance with input from representatives from the Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship (Germany), France Active and MAZE (Portugal).

How to participate?

UPDATE: The maximum number of participants has been reached, therefore this workshop is now closed for applications. Should you be interested in attending such a workshop in the future, please get in touch with our service provider. The workshop could be repeated, in the same or a different location.

28/10/2019- 29/10/2019

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