Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

07/03/2019 Warsaw

EaSI Technical Assistance Microfinance workshop on the current challenges in loan analysis

The European Commission is sponsoring a one-day microfinance workshop under the EaSI Technical Assistance programme, which will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 7 March 2019.

The event is organised in cooperation with the Polish Union of Loan Funds and will respond to the demand of Polish microfinance and loan institutions interested in better understanding the loan analysis process by focusing on creditworthiness, business model strength, and enterprise innovation.

The workshop speakers will focus on:

  • Overview of start-up business models
  • Investment loans for start-ups
  • Practical aspects of assessing the levels of business innovation of an enterprise

The event organisers will welcome participants from Polish microfinance institutions and loan funds, interested in learning from best practices and sharing experiences with a focus on the latest developments in loan analysis.

The workshop will be held in Polish and is open to both selected beneficiaries of the EaSI Technical Assistance programme, as well as other interested organisations.

You can contact microfinance@mfc.org.pl in order to register to attend this workshop or to receive more information about the event agenda and speakers.


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