Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

12/02/2019 - 13/02/2019 Warsaw

EaSI Technical Assistance study visit to TISE – expanding access to microfinance by leveraging government funding opportunities

The European Commission is sponsoring a two-day study visit under the EaSI Technical Assistance programme to TISE SA, in Warsaw, Poland on 12-13 February.

Gaining access to fund-of-funds programmes and working with local authorities to secure access to microfinance for vulnerable groups are among the key goals for most microfinance institutions (MFIs).

Hence many organisations are interested to learn more about how to successfully access governmental funding programmes and to collaborate with local authorities in the sectors of microfinance and entrepreneurship.

To satisfy the interest of a number of MFIs from Eastern Europe on the topic of accessing governmental funds, the European Commission is sponsoring a two-day study visit hosted by the Social and Economic Investment Company TISE SA, in Warsaw, Poland, on 12-13 February.

TISE is a loan fund for NGOs, social enterprises, microenterprises and SMEs from Poland with 25 years of business history.

The event organisers will welcome participants from two microfinance institutions - Mikrofond (Bulgaria) and KEPA (Greece), interested to learn from good practices and experience sharing with focus on leveraging government funding opportunities.

Both visiting institutions are already selected as beneficiaries of the EaSI Technical Assistance programme.

The purpose of the visit is for Mikrofond and KEPA to

  • examine TISE’s experience related to government funding used for sponsorship of microfinance projects and
  • apply these learnings to reduce risk and increase efficiency operating similar programs in their countries.

This should ultimately allow the two visiting providers to expand their services to reach more social enterprises, SMEs, as well as other vulnerable groups.

Other European microfinance providers who are already selected as EaSI Technical Assistance beneficiaries can contact easi.ta@fs.de to receive more information about the event programme, as well as to request the participation or organisation of similar events.

12/02/2019- 13/02/2019

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