Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


First EaSI Technical Assistance webinar – Opportunities and enablers of digitalisation for microfinance institutions

To help all interested European microfinance institutions understand better how to position themselves in the digital space, the European Commission is sponsoring a webinar organised under the umbrella of the EaSI Technical Assistance for Microfinance programme.

The webinar will take place on 19 December, at 11 AM CET. It is free of charge and will be conducted in English.

Being present online is a must for microfinance institutions. However, a big question is how to do it effectively to ensure an institution's visibility to the customers they want to attract.

The webinar will present strategies that microfinance institutions can use to improve their visibility and to stand out in the digital space taking into account the preferences of their clients and the internal capacity of their staff.

This interactive event will be based on the lessons learnt from a mentoring process with 3 organisations, which are currently digital leaders in their sector and have improved greatly their online presence:

  • KMF – a leading microfinance organisation from Kazakhstan
  • Crystal – a microfinance organisation from Georgia
  • BCRS Business Loans – a lender and manager of funds from the UK

Representatives from these organisations will present practical considerations that need to be taken into account to improve the digital presence of microfinance institutions in a cost effective manner.

Interested microfinance institutions can register online for the webinar.

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