Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


How to access the EaSI Financial Instruments – a microfinance workshop in Albania

The European Commission is sponsoring a microfinance workshop in Albania, organised under the umbrella of the EaSI Technical Assistance for Microfinance programme.

It aims to help all interested Albanian microfinance institutions understand better what services are available to them under the EaSI Programme and how to apply for the Financial Instruments in particular, 

The workshop is co-organised by the Albanian Microfinance Association and will be held in English. It will take place in Tirana, Albania on December 13, 2018. 

Access to funding is an important and often challenging topic for many microfinance institutions, especially for smaller institutions which may not always be aware of all opportunities available to them.

The event organisers expect to welcome between 15 and 20 participants from Albanian microfinance institutions, who would learn how to access EaSI funding under the guidance of peers and experts.

The workshop will comprise three sessions:

  1. An overview of the EaSI Financial Instruments and application conditions
  2. A case study delivered by a peer organisation - Fondi Besa, presenting their application process and contractual arrangements
  3. Technical assistance services available to microfinance institutions to increase the quality of their internal processes

To register for this free event, microfinance institutions should indicate their interest by email.

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