Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Benedetta De Luca – Italy


Benedetta De Luca – Italy.

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Benedetta De Luca was born in Salerno, Italy. She is 34 years old and graduated in Law with a thesis on the rights of persons with disabilities and the Constitution. She qualified as a lawyer, but by choice does not practise. Much of her work and background focuses on the value of diversity and strategies for inclusion, topics she has always lived with, having been born with a motor disability caused by a rare disease, sacral agenesis. This saw her undergo 18 surgeries and spend almost 12 years of her life in hospital. A lover of fashion, she founded her own brand ‘Italian Inclusive Fashion’, with the idea of creating stylish yet practical clothes for people with disabilities. She is one of the first fashion influencers, and through her social channels, notably Instagram, wants to revolutionise the collective imagination linked to disability, beauty and fashion, especially because, as a woman with a disability, she has unfortunately felt all too often a victim of multidiscrimination. Today, she is Gender and Inclusion Editor – the first in Italy – for ‘The Wom’, a role where she serves as an editorial reference for all issues related to gender equality, female empowerment and realisation, and diversity and inclusion.

Instagram: benedetta_deluca

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