Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Katarina Strunjak

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Katarina Strunjak is 24 years old and lives in Zagreb, Croatia. She is currently a fifth-year law student at the University of Zagreb. Due to her Bethlem myopathy condition, she uses a wheelchair to move about, but that doesn't stop her from striving to be the best version of herself. She has been a board member of the Zagreb Muscular Dystrophy Society (DDZ) since 2018, and Youth Forum president of the Croatian Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities (SOIH). Since 2020, she has also been an EC member of the European Alliance of Neuromuscular Disorders Associations (EAMDA). Katarina is actively involved in City of Zagreb projects, notably one on transport for persons with disabilities and making public transport more accessible to everyone. Sport also features prominently in her life. She enjoys playing boccia and is a member of Croatia’s boccia representation. She holds a national champion title, and was European champion at the 2019 European Paralympic Youth Games held in Pajulahti. Due to a shoulder injury, she is currently not playing, but plans to be back soon. In 2023, she served as a volunteer manager on the Organising Committee for the Zagreb 2023 World Boccia Intercontinental Challenger. Katarina’s favourite leisure activities include cooking, shopping and hanging out with friends. And her favourite quote: “Never let the fear of failure keep you from playing the game.”

Facebook: Katarina Strunjak

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