Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

FEAD in your country - Sweden

Country fiche

FEAD country fiche - Sweden (2018 version available)


The FEAD operational programme in Sweden aims to increase the social inclusion and empowerment of socially vulnerable people.

Sweden attracts citizens from within the EU who are seeking work away from their native countries. However, not all temporary migrants are able to find work and often they are ineligible for assistance from the Swedish social services. In some cases, these migrants are in need of subsistence and overnight accommodation. According to the National Coordinator for vulnerable EU citizens, in November 2015 there were up to 4 700 citizens across the country begging or busking and living in makeshift camps.

The FEAD operational programme aims to support vulnerable EU citizens in their contact with Swedish society. Activities include civic education such as support locating shelters or hostels, information on Swedish society and translation of essential information, as well as health promotion and prevention activities.

Managing Authority

Swedish ESF-Council 

Box 397

801 05 Gävle

Tel: +46 (0)20 333390 / +46 (0)8 579 171 00 (from abroad)

Website: http://www.esf.se/   

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