Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

FEAD in your country - Hungary

Country fiche

FEAD country fiche - Hungary (2018 version available)


Hungary provides food and basic material assistance through its operational programme. The FEAD operational programme aims to support vulnerable target groups: poor families with children, the homeless and lastly, socially deprived persons with a disability and elderly persons with an extremely low income.

Poverty is a serious social problem in Hungary, with under 18s most likely to be affected by serious material deprivation. In 2013 the number of people who are not capable of generating income due to their physical state or age is approximately 140,000.

The operational programme directly supports poor families with children aged 0-18 years; it provides food aid and basic consumer goods. Food aid is also distributed to the additional target groups.

Managing Authority

Ministry of Human Capacities

Akadémia u. 3.

H-1054 Budapest

Mailing: 1373 BUDAPEST 5. Pf. 609

+36 1 795 1200


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