Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 22/12/2020

Film meets social rights at Social Cinema Festival Castilla La Mancha

Social Cinema Festival Castilla La Mancha has teamed up with the European Commission to promote social rights. The festival hosted an online discussion on the role of film in raising awareness about social rights and on European social policy.

Film has long been recognised as a powerful way to tell stories, connecting people and art. The European Commission is now exploring how its powerful storytelling can support the European Pillar of Social Rights, starting with the online debate ‘Cinema and Social Rights Come Together’ that took place on 7 December 2020. Participants included film director, Mábel Lozano, Ana Carrero from the European Commission and the festival’s director, Teodoro Cañada.

“Movies can raise awareness about realities people might not know about and, consequently, generate a reaction,” explained Teodoro Cañada, emphasising how effective film can be as a tool to express social issues.

The aim of the debate was to create an opportunity for the Commission and the film industry to interact and work together. It was designed to generate ideas on how to effectively implement the Pillar of Social Rights in the future. Social rights affect everyone and by using film as a communicative tool, the Commission and the film industry can ensure they are centre-stage.

“Cinema is a powerful tool to give visibility to social issues, to prepare citizens to support different initiatives and influence political decisions. These kinds of debates contribute to this process,” said Ana Carrero, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Mábel Lozano, Film Director and Author of the ‘Biography of a Woman’s Corpse’ documentary, also took part in the event. When asked if she believed her movies can act as a vehicle for changing society, she answered, “Films influence collective thinking. Movies such as ‘Pretty Woman’ have distorted the vision we have about prostitution. Cinema can definitely change how we understand important topics such as gender-based violence or inequality.”

Watch the debate and check the programme for more information on the 2020 edition of the Festival Internacional de Cine Social Castilla La Mancha.


The European Pillar of Social Rights was designed by the European Union to protect all citizens in a fast-changing world. It focuses on 20 rights including the right to fair wages, health care, education and equality. While the Member States have the tools to implement these principals, the Commission guides and supports the framework.


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