Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 04/06/2019

16th FEAD Network Meeting

The 16th FEAD Network meeting took place on 4-5 June 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania, hosted by the Lithuanian FEAD Managing Authority and welcoming 90 delegates from 21 Member States.

© European Comission

The two-day event focused on tackling poverty and the social exclusion of older people through FEAD activities. The meeting brought together EU-level partner organisations, FEAD Managing Authorities, European Commission representatives and NGOs from across Europe.

The meeting consisted of panel discussions and workshops on the state of poverty found among older end-recipients, and the FEAD funded activities that tackle these problems. Delegates were also able to visit projects across the capital city of Vilnius that specifically help older people in the surrounding areas.  

Delegates began the first day with a welcome from Marie-Anne Paraskevas, Senior Policy Officer, DG EMPL who provided updates about ESF+. Vice-Minister Eitvydas Bingelis then welcomed the delegates on behalf of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Lithuanian Managing Authority. His colleague, Auksė Duksienė, gave an overview of FEAD activities in Lithuania.

Following this, a panel began their discussion on poverty and exclusion among older people throughout Europe. This discussion also touched upon the EU level/national initiatives that are being implemented to meet these challenges. The panellists included a wide range of experts such as; Hans Dubois, Research Manager at Eurofound, Maciej Kucharczyk, Policy Director at Age Platform Europe, Paula Cruz, Sociologist at EAPN Portugal and Gražina Rapolienė, a research fellow at the Lithuanian Social Research Centre

The second half of the day gave delegates an opportunity to learn about FEAD case studies that specifically work towards tackling poverty and social exclusion among older people. These included the Slovakian Red Cross, the FEAD managing authority in Hungary and the Lithuanian representative of the European Social Fund Agency, the FEAD Intermediate Body.

Delegates had the choice of visiting one of three projects around Vilnius, which focused on food distribution and accompanying measures for older end recipients. Ran by local NGOs, delegates were able to get a closer look at the projects in action. These included:

  • Participants in Group A visited the Lithuanian Food Bank (Maisto Bankas). This organisation provides food assistance and accompanying measures to people in poverty, working with other organisations that help the most deprived. The Food Bank redistributes food and material products to 600 charities through its five regional branches in Lithuania. They work with food producers and traders to ensure that food that is safe to eat is not thrown away. Instead, it can reach those in need. As part of their accompanying measures, in 2018 they conducted 85 training session, attended by 1,700 people. Further, since 2018, the project ’reserved for elderly’, in collaboration with the SOPA Social Employment Services, promotes volunteering activities specifically targeted at older people.
  • Group B went to visit the Bethany (Betanija) Social Centre, ran by Caritas, it features a canteen, day centre and hygiene room. The canteen was established in 1992 to provide hot food for people in need, it is currently staffed by five people. Since then, the centre has expanded to provide hygiene facilities and counselling. Project workers estimate 150 people visit a day, and that much of these people are middle-aged and older men with a smaller proportion made up of older women. Food made in the canteen is donated from food banks as well as local supermarkets. Recently the centre has been focusing on programmes and courses to help people reintegrate into mainstream society, such as gaining employment.
  • The SOPA employment centre, which runs the ‘Reserved for Elderly’ project. Established in 2006, the employment project aims to build a bridge for individuals who have been in long-term unemployment. SOPA receive 100 participants over 55 in the scheme, with 70% of them gaining meaningful employment. The project focuses on CV skills, job search, job shadowing and in-employment support. It is funded via the ESF as well as local municipalities.  It is also an example of a synergy between ESF and FEAD as some of its partners implement FEAD accompanying measures by using SOPA’s methodologies.

After their visit, delegates got together to reflect on each other’s project visits. Following this they launched into their final workshop, which focused on the impact of FEAD activities in EU Member States. Delegates learnt about projects that help older people develop digital skills in public libraries, throughout the Netherlands, as well as the food and basic material assistance in the municipality of Dramas, Greece.

Throughout the two-day event, delegates were encouraged to consult the FEAD Network website, and interact with the FEAD Network Facebook group. This is an online space that aims to connect members, encourage discussion and share the latest policy news. Join the Facebook group today; we will be sharing photographs, speaker videos, presentations and reports from the meeting. Presentations from these meetings can be found below and on the Facebook page. Photos can be found via the Facebook page.

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