Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 08/06/2020

FEAD reaches almost 13 million people in the EU including many children

In 2018, the European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) reached 13 million people, the Summary Report on the FEAD implementation says. The estimate was done by the partner organisations which deliver the support.

The Fund helps the most deprived, in particular to alleviate the worst forms of poverty in the EU such as food deprivation, child poverty and homelessness.

The Commission adopted this summary report on the implementation of the FEAD in 2018 based on the reports submitted by the Member States. FEAD support continued in 2018 in 26 Member States, building on the progress made in previous years.

In 2018:

  • an estimated 12.6 million people benefited from FEAD food assistance
  • 1 million received basic material assistance and
  • 39,000 benefited from social inclusion support.

Whilst taking account of some overlaps in those figures, the overall estimate is that FEAD reached almost 13 million people in 2018.

Children at risk of poverty are an important target group

The profile of end recipients of FEAD support has remained also broadly stable. As children account for 29% of those who received food, basic material or social inclusion assistance, the report focuses on some examples of how FEAD reaches out to children.

It shows that in four Member States children represent the largest share of end recipients for food support, e.g. by providing subsidised meals to disadvantaged children. Moreover, in several Member States, FEAD support reaches many families with children in vulnerable situations.

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