en English

Turning alternative energy use into conventional practice

  • 15 June 2010

The principle of the project ‘Stimulation of the utilisation of alternative energy systems in the cross-border area through the establishment of microregional centres’ is to examine resources available in given locations and see how they can be used to produce renewable energy. It looks towards more economic diversification and greater energy effectiveness, by focusing on certain key areas: thermal energy, solar energy and bioenergy. More than 200 000 people in the region stand to benefit from the alternative energy systems developed under this project.

The model project helps the expansion of alternative energy generation (economic effectiveness, saving energy, redeeming natural gas) among institutions and citizens as well. The fall of environment protection will lead to a better life quality of the population.

László KICSINY, project manager

The project partners sought to raise awareness among local people and organisations of the advantages of using alternative energy resources, alongside developing and disseminating innovative solutions. A Renewable Energy Information Centre set up for modelling solutions and the replacement of gas heating with alternative heating solutions at a Spa and Incubator House are examples of how the project is generating real results.

Clever use of the environment

The partners involved in the project, from Hungary the Csongrád County Government, Homokkert Public Company, Mórahalom and Local Government of Makó, and from Romania, the Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, have worked together with innovative companies and experts in the energy field to introduce the public to alternative energy so that, today and in the future, the environment is respected.

Warming up for a bright future

The Renewable Energy Information Centre in Mórahalom, Hungary enables experts to model alternative solutions through architectural methods, consultancy, education, studies and analyses, and by harmonizing interregional development and environment projects. The Centre shows how sources specific to regions can be used effectively. For example, places with high levels of sunshine hours should focus on solar energy with architectural solutions, solar cells and solar collectors. Agricultural and wooded areas in contrast are better for producing biomass (energy grass, energy tree plantation).

Out with the old, in with the new

In Hungary, the Makó City Thermal and Medicinal Spa and the Incubator House at Makó Industrial Park also serve as showcases for the new approach to energy use. The replacement of gas heating with alternative heating solutions at the Spa and Incubator House are proof that alternatives really work and serve as examples for other energy users. A heating and hot water system based on thermal energy has been installed and solar collectors and heat pumps have been built.