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Starting up in Emilia-Romagna

  • 11 February 2019

To help build a start-up and entrepreneurial community in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region, the EmiliaRomagnaSTARTUP project launched a comprehensive website containing a range of online and offline tools and support opportunities.

Referring to start-ups, among the distinctive elements that could be listed as key pillars for the development of a favourable environment (e.g. presence of a university, entrepreneurial attitude, innovation capacity, etc.) it’s worth mentioning the role of an anchor that acts as a catalyst and a multiplier and ensures a high degree of cooperation between the activities of the various players. In Emilia-Romagna, this role belongs to EmiliaRomagnaSTARTUP.

Mrs Morena Diazzi, Director General for the knowledge economy of, work and enterprises, Emilia-Romagna Region

The EmiliaRomagnaSTARTUP project is a key component of the region’s strategy for boosting innovation and increasing the number of start-up companies. Managed through a single website, the project offers an array of online and offline services and opportunities all geared towards start-ups and would-be entrepreneurs and those that support them (i.e. regional actors, universities, research centres, business associations, incubators, financial partners, private equity funds, angel investors and start-up experts).  

Through the website, users have access to: orientation services; information on regional, national and EU support schemes; online and offline advice from consultants and experts; free participation in trade fairs and international activities; support with fundraising; and opportunities to network and collaborate with companies and managers. Since its launch in 2011, over 500 innovative start-ups and more than 90 support organisations have taken advantage of these services. The site gets nearly 17 000 visits per month, and its Facebook and Twitter feeds have over 5 000 followers.

Addressing start-up challenges

The EmiliaRomagnaSTARTUP project was designed to address three key challenges that many start-ups face. First, to overcome the challenges of launching a new business, the project created a one-stop shop for all the information and forms that entrepreneurs need. To help entrepreneurs find the support and expertise they require, the project hosts a unique virtual space where regional actors can offer their services to local start-ups. Last but not least, to help entrepreneurs network and develop new business, the website provides information and details on public calls for tender and events at the regional, national and EU levels.    

Today, start-ups can use the website to access a wide range of services – from an initial overview of the services available throughout the project, to an assessment of their business plan and connections to international opportunities. Service providers can also use the website to directly connect with start-ups, while young people can log on to explore entrepreneurial opportunities. 

A power tool for entrepreneurship 

With a community of over 500 start-ups and 90 supporting organisations, the EmiliaRomagnaSTARTUP website is one of the most developed platforms for supporting start-ups in Europe. Every year, over 150 orientation meetings are organised and more than 50 start-ups are selected to represent the region at various international events.

Through the EmiliaRomagnaSTARTUP project, the region’s innovation ecosystem has been provided with a powerful tool for connecting with and supporting researchers, young people and entrepreneurs. To ensure that its services remain relevant and evolve with the rapidly changing needs of today’s start-ups, the system was built to gather feedback from users and adapt accordingly. Since its launch, the site has been re-designed and enriched with new content, new sections and new information, and is updated daily.

Total investment and EU funding 

Total investment for the project “EmiliaRomagnaStartUp Network for the creation of innovative enterprises” is EUR 50 000, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 18 463 through the “Regional Research and Innovation” Operational Programme for the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods.