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Significant upgrades to Hungary’s railway lines

  • 28 August 2017

The second phase of a project to improve Hungary’s Budapest to Békéscsaba dual-track railway line and rail sections of Trans-European Transport Network corridors running through Hungary will be completed in November 2017. The importance of the Budapest to Békéscsaba line in terms of passenger and goods transport means that the project will benefit both domestic and international traffic.

Work under the project includes modernisation of the traction sub-station at Cegléd. This converts electrical power provided by the power industry to the right voltage, current and frequency required to supply the railway.

Upgrades have also been made to the section of track between Gyoma and Békéscsaba. Installation of European Train Control System (ETCS) infrastructure between Budapest and Lőkösháza, on the Romanian border, is another part of the project.

Greater interoperability with other national rail systems

A project’s main aim is to bring the technical standards of the Hungarian sections of international rail corridors closer to EU standards. ETCS equipment is vital here as it ensures interoperability with other national rail networks, particularly as regards signalling and train control – a major obstacle to advancing international rail traffic. This enables trains to cross national borders without stopping and strengthens Hungary’s railway links with its neighbours.

The equipment provides for continuous data transmission from track side to cab using GSM technology developed for railways. It ensures that trains run safely by providing information to drivers through a cab display and by monitoring drivers’ actions.

As well as infrastructure to improve the safety of rail operations and traffic control, work includes the fitting of installations to enhance passenger safety at stations.

Shorter journey times and easier access to cities

Modernisation is also bringing other improvements, one of which is shorter journey times. These will be achieved by raising track speeds from 100-120 km/h to 160 km/h.

Higher speeds ensure easier access to large cities in Hungary and enable the railways to present a realistic alternative to private transport for international transit. Faster rail links can also attract industrial investment and tourism to the regions through which the line passes.

As well as increasing track speed, the upgrades allow trains to maintain more constant speeds. This results in energy savings and reduces the environmental impact of the railways.

The improvements make it possible to increase axle loads on the line to 225 kilonewtons (around 23 tonnes) per axle. As a result, international wagons will be able to use their full capacity, thereby improving the railway’s competitiveness.

More than EUR 61 million has been invested in the second phase of the project, of which close to EUR 40 million was provided by the EU. Total investment over both phases was in excess of EUR 347 million.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Modernisation of Cegléd traction sub-station, the line section Gyoma (excl.) – Békéscsaba (incl.) and ETCS installation between Budapest - Lőkösháza, country border - Phase II” is EUR 61 387 746, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 39 226 999 through the “Integrated Transport” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.