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Renovation will modernise section of Polish rail network in Mazowieckie

  • 31 March 2017

Phase two of an EU-funded project will complete the renovation of 66 km of the network in Poland’s Mazowieckie region to remove bottlenecks, increase the frequency of trains and make rail travel more appealing to commuters and freight transporters.

The work is focused on improving safety, increasing the level of comfort and improving the environmental performance of rail travel – including freight – along the E 75 railway line. The current phase two of the project involves reconstructing 34 km of the railway line with necessary engineering structures such as bridges, viaducts and overpasses.  

In particular, the project is focusing on modernising sections of the line that connect Warsaw, Rembertów, Zielonka and Tłuszcz.

Revitalising the Baltic corridor

Phase two is currently in the construction phase and the completion date is foreseen by January 2017. This section of rail is strategically very important because it runs close to Poland’s border with Lithuania and forms an integral part of the core North Sea–Baltic corridor. The ultimate objective of the project is to facilitate passenger and freight transport along this crucial North Sea - Baltic corridor.

New stations

Four new stations will also be built at Zielonka, Wołomin, Tłuszcz and Łochów, while seven new passenger stops – Kobyłka Ossów, Kobyłka, Wołomin Słoneczna, Zagościniec, Dobczyn, Klembów, Jasienica Mazowiecka – will be established.

The total length of upgraded railway line from both phases of the project will be 66 km. In addition, some 17 ecological corridors and wildlife overpasses will be established, ensuring that the project’s environmental footprint is limited.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Modernizacja linii kolejowej E75 Rail Baltica Warszawa - Białystok - granica z Litwą, etap I, odcinek Warszawa Rembertów - Zielonka - Tłuszcz (Sadowne) - Faza II” is EUR 164 596 242, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 99 946 049 through the “Infrastructure and Environment” Operational Programme for the 2014 - 2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Development of railway transport in Poland”.