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Removal of illegal waste dumps improves quality of life in Slovakian village

  • 24 July 2020

Illegal waste dumps have been removed from the village and municipality of Zbehňov, which lies in the eastern Slovakian district of Trebisov. Completion of the EU-supported project is improving the housing conditions and general health of the local Roma community and other residents. In addition, three Roma people are employed to help manage the sites, which have been cleaned and rehabilitated.

The system for collection and removal of municipal waste has improved living conditions in the village, where a marginalised Roma community is present. The project has brought significant social benefits in the form of improved housing conditions and social inclusion of the Roma community, with an emphasis on desegregation, de-ghettoisation and de-stigmatisation.

Ing. Dávid Bodnár, Manager for information and communication, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

Zbehňov is home to around 290 people, about 140 of which are Romani. The project’s main objective was to remove all waste from a number of illegal dumps around the village.

The work carried out through this scheme fulfils national objectives to increase the number of Roma households living in improved conditions. Another benefit of removing waste has been a general improvement in the environment, which helps raise the quality of life for all local residents.

Improving lives

The project received an investment from the European Regional Development Fund through the country’s Human Resources Operational Programme.

One of the programme’s key goals is to help disadvantaged groups, including Slovakia’s marginalised Roma communities. Along with providing assistance to improve living conditions, EU funds are being deployed to integrate Roma into society through a range of initiatives in areas such as education, training, health and employment.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Remediation and removal of the waste dumps in Zbehňov” is EUR 58 392 with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 49 633 through the “Human Resources” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Technical facilities in municipalities with high share of marginalised Roma communities.”