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Reducing flood risk along the Meža and Mislinja rivers, Slovenia

  • 07 September 2020

An EU-funded project has reduced the risk of flooding for more than 1 300 people living near the river Meža and its tributary, the Mislinja, in Slovenia and reduced the number of buildings in flood-prone areas by 755. Actions under the project are aimed at ensuring flood safety in the basin of the river Drava, of which the Meža is a tributary. They have been implemented on the Meža from Dravograd to Prevalje, and on the Mislinja from Otiški Vrh to Slovenj Gradec, in urban, industrial and agricultural areas including Ravne na Koroškem and Pameče.

'The riverbed was developed, containment walls were built on both banks, power lines were raised and the 100-year flood levels were taken into account. This has prevented a negative impact on the operation of the steel factory.'

Nikolaj Sonjak, Technical Manager, SIJ Metal Ravne

Among the measures undertaken are the widening and dredging of riverbeds, restoration of riverbanks and installation of containment walls. Strategically placed rocks and berms – raised earthen ledges – provide additional defence.

Plans have been made for the construction of a flood storage reservoir in Poljana, which will be fitted with sluices and a dam to regulate flow and guard against further flooding.

A water-rich country

Slovenia has nearly 30 000 km of waterways, but in recent years, this wealth of water has led to recurrent floods. These cause an estimated EUR 120 million in damage annually.

In November 2012, the Mislinja and the Meža burst their banks, devastating fields, roads and factories. SIJ Metal Ravne, one of Europe’s biggest steelworks, producing 70 000-80 000 tonnes a year for export worldwide, was 5 cm away from being inundated.

As the Meza is located in a narrow valley in the area around the steelworks, its bed cannot be widened; so after 2012, other solutions had to be found. They included building a raised structure to contain the plant’s gas, water and electricity infrastructure, keeping it safe from flood waters.

High levels of protection

The measures do not jeopardise the ecological status of the watercourses: riparian vegetation has been preserved, hiding places have been created for fish and transverse structures controlling river flow have been lowered. The work has reduced levels of groundwater pollution.

The project provides a 1 in 100 year standard of protection, meaning that it protects against a level of flooding that has a 1 % chance of occurring in any given year. As well as minimising damage in the event of floods, the actions will help reduce the costs of flood mitigation measures for movable and immovable property.

Better flood defences will improve quality of life for residents and boost the region’s growth potential, especially as regards tourism and recreation. This could lead to the development of new hiking and cycle paths and water sport facilities.


Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Flood safety of the Drava – Meža and Mislinja” is EUR 18 968 238 with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 15 174 590 through the “Implementation of EU Cohesion Policy” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Climate change adaptation and risk prevention”.