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Providing broadband connection to rural Greece

  • 30 September 2019

The EU-funded Rural Broadband project provides broadband infrastructure coverage and affordable connectivity services to those living in the remote, mountainous regions of Greece. This benefits over 525 000 citizens in 5 077 villages across Greece.

Due to their small populations, rural areas have long been ignored by private telecommunication companies. As a result, they have experienced a significant digital divide – which has had a substantial effect on business activity and social wellbeing. To bridge this gap, a public-private partnership has provided these areas with broadband infrastructure.

Sufficient connection to rural areas

The initial target is to connect 20 % of Greece’s rural population and, in the medium term, up to 35 % of the population. Bandwidth will be increased gradually to 30 Mbps.

The project started developing access networks within these areas and installing the backhauling networks used to connect the local access networks to regional concentration points. In the few areas where multiple network operators (i.e., retail internet service providers) were already present, the project installed concentration/termination points, thus guaranteeing a single, integrated network. Once the infrastructure is in place, the project uses commercial incentives to encourage private partners to invest in these remote, low-income areas.

The benefits of broadband

The benefits of a more connected Greece are plentiful. By better connecting rural areas to urban centres, this project helps ensure social inclusion and territorial cohesion. The project has economic advantages. For example, new businesses can launch in these rural areas, thus increasing both employment opportunities and services for citizens. With more jobs and services available locally, rural citizens will be less likely to move to urban centres – a demographic shift that will reduce the population strain many cities currently face and help stop the brain drain that plagues many rural villages.

Other benefits include: improved access to enhanced multimedia services, reduced telecommunication costs, improved communications, lower travel expenses, increased productivity, and opening up of teleworking opportunities. But perhaps the project’s biggest benefit is that it has closed the digital divide, reducing the distance between rural and urban and improving the quality of life for everyone.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Broadband Network Development in White Rural Areas of Greece” is EUR 286 055 722, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development contributing EUR 177 681 110 through the “Digital Convergence” and “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Operational Programmes for the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods. The investment falls under the priority “Digital Single Market”.