en English

PRESOURCE helps businesses move towards resource efficiency

  • 16 December 2014

The project PRESOURCE (Promotion of Resource Efficiency in SMEs in Central Europe) helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in central Europe to make more efficient use of resources and save energy, help the environment and increase competitiveness. It promotes responsible use of natural resources by manufacturing SMEs, which should lead to optimised production processes and product design.

The PRESOURCE workshop discussions confirmed for me once more the importance of a standardised approach for improving resource efficiency in SMEs.

Wilfried Denz, Environmental Consultant, Chairman of the VDI Standard Committee 4598 - Resource Efficiency in SME, Germany

In order to enhance SMEs' capacity to exploit ways of increasing resource efficiency (RE), the partners analysed existing tools used for this and conducted a survey among manufacturing SMEs using a jointly-compiled questionnaire. Based on this, they developed the EDIT Value (Eco-innovation Diagnosis and Implementation Tool for increase of enterprise Value) methodology, which analyses RE across a company's entire management structure.

A training programme for RE consultants on how to apply EDIT Value tool was drafted and implemented. EDIT Value tool was then used in a pilot phase in SMEs in participating countries, leading to elaboration of RE plans for each SME.

Support for obtaining finance

PRESOURCE also aimed to improve knowledge of, and mechanisms for, risk sharing and financing of eco-innovation in SMEs, including incentives and innovative financing schemes. The partners conducted over 100 interviews with public and private investors, garnering insight into perception of RE and related investment in the financial sector. This was used to draw up a financial guide for SMEs on opportunities for financing RE measures, as well as an advanced cost-benefit analysis translating RE measures into monetary terms, thereby allowing loan providers to assess such measures.

This contributed to construction of the central Europe RE competence platform; a one-stop-shop for information on RE stakeholders and activities in participating countries, located at the project website. The platform brings together institutions such as public authorities, consultancies, business associations and research centres in order to engage in dialogue, improve RE frameworks and respond to the EU2020 RE Flagship Initiative and related Roadmap. Transnational workshops were also held in order to foster dialogue.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “PRESOURCE” is EUR 1 825 762, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 1 419 068 from the Operational Programme “CENTRAL EUROPE” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.