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Olsztyn’s philharmonic orchestra gets a new concert hall

  • 01 February 2016

Every year Olsztyn’s concert hall is visited by around 40 000 people and its new minimalistic building is being praised by tourists, citizens, architects and musicians alike.

For more than 65 years Warminsko-Mazurska Philharmonic Orchestra has been carrying its artistic activities without its own headquarters. Thanks to EU funds, music entrepreneurs in the region were able to organise such a project and build their own concert hall. Next year we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of our establishment. Building this headquarters is considered a major event in our history.

Paweł Sułkowski, head and art director

It was mid 2011 when more then a thousand visitors came to take a look at the newly opened philharmonic building in Olsztyn’s city centre named after Feliks Nowowiejski, the famous Polish artist and composer. Not everyone could fit into the concert hall built for 505 people, but they could all admire the outstanding architecture including a new artistic fountain.

Quality of sound

As one of just four in the whole country, Olsztyn’s concert hall is fitted with ProTools HD sound systems which enables high quality studio recording. The place is also equipped with a professional satellite dish allowing live transmissions of the Metropolitan Opera. Furthermore, the philharmonic orchestra team organises more than 120 events per year – over three times the amount of the previous building.

Cultural boost

Olsztyn philharmonic concert hall was built as a part of an EU co-funded project. The investment has had a huge impact on the tourist and cultural development for the whole Warminsko-Mazurskie region as the concert hall has made Olsztyn a cultural capital and a major attraction for classical music lovers.

Additionally, the building is fully adapted to the needs of disabled people which increases the level of social inclusion and cultural development. As many as 17 new job opportunities have been created as a result of the project.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Filharmonia w Olsztynie” is EUR 14 667 923, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 9 832 242 from the Operational Programme “Warminsko-Mazurskie” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.