en English

New wind farm at Strzałkowo contributes to Poland’s energy security

  • 01 January 2007

EU funding has enabled the construction of a wind farm at Strzałkowo, a town of around 5 000 inhabitants in the Wielkopolskie region of north-western Poland. The wind farm has a total capacity – the maximum amount of power that it is able to produce – of 4 megawatts (MW). Individually, the two wind turbines of which the facility consists, each have a capacity of 2 MW and a maximum height of 160 m above sea level.

“One of the most important features of any country’s economy is energy security. The construction of this kind of power plant contributes to this goal and increases energy production from renewable sources, effectively supporting Poland’s transition to a low-emission economy.”

Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy

Along with the setting up of the turbines, the project entailed purchase of services and building materials for the construction of access roads and the arrangement of the sites at which the turbines were assembled.

Foundations were laid for the turbine towers, and various other infrastructural elements were put in place. These included power lines, control and measurement systems and a grounding system to prevent damage from lightning or power surges. Furthermore, all equipment needed to convert wind energy into electricity was acquired, and an authorised inspector was appointed to supervise the work.

The key features of the turbines are the rotor blades and a current generator placed in the gondola – the element which is fixed to the top of the tower, behind the rotor blades, and which contains a gearbox and a transformer. The rotor blades convert wind energy into mechanical energy, while the generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Increased renewable energy generation

Wind is a renewable energy source and the use of fuel of any kind is not needed for the production of wind energy. The construction of the Strzałkowo wind farm thus provides Poland with additional capacity to generate renewable electricity.

The project helps enhance Poland’s energy security, putting it in a better position to meet current and future energy demand, and contributes towards its transition to a low-carbon economy.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Construction of a wind farm (ST5, ST6) in the municipality of Strzałkowo with a capacity of 4 MW (2×2 MW) together with infrastructure and power connection” is EUR 4 361 445 (PLN 21 088 767), with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 1 289 758 (PLN 6 238 251) through the “Wielkopolskie Voivodeship” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Supporting a low-carbon economy”.