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New tourist routes and works attract visitors to Tihany

  • 30 March 2015

The “Legend of Tihany” project has constructed new tourist routes to present various attractions in one of the most symbolic villages depicting Hungarian statehood, cultural and literary traditions. Tourist numbers are already up by 12 %.a

The Legend of Tihany project has brought a more comfortable and friendly environment to the village, improving the experience for both residents and tourists. There are now more visitors than ever before, new restaurants in the village centre and captivating cultural events on offer. A new parking system has also benefited the area.

Lajos Bendi, Project Manager, Municipality of Tihany

The so-called “legend-route” has been designed specifically for those interested in the area's rich cultural history. Meanwhile, the “echo-route’ invites visitors on a journey to witness the most famous phenomenon of the village known as the Tihany echo, which involves the walls of the Abbey reverberating words shouted from the top of a hill.

New developments

As part of the ERDF-funded project, a new public square has also been constructed. The development of this new city centre space has resulted in a significant change to the town's makeup and the way public spaces are used. In addition, the project has created seven new jobs.

The Pisky Promenade has been completely renovated and is now considered to be one the most visually impressive promenades in the Balaton region. In addition, the Borsos Miklós square has been transformed into a beautiful park. Finally, the majestic IV Károly Calvary, built in 1927 but destroyed in 1960, has also been entirely reconstructed.

Increase in tourist numbers

As a result of this extensive renewal, the number of events and the amount of time spent by tourists in Tihany has increased dramatically. In fact, before the project's completion, a 12 % increase of nights spent in the village was already recorded.

In 2013, Tihany's legend route project won various accolades at the “Hungarian Town Renewal Award”. The jury also successfully put the project forward for the “European Village Renewal Award”, beating 29 other entrants. The award ceremony took place in Vals, Switzerland, on 12 September 2014.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “The Legend of Tihany” is EUR 2 876 217, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 1 846 663 from the Operational Programme “Central Hungary” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.