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New manufacturing and storage hall built within Honsa site development

  • 13 October 2015

Productive investments have led to the construction of a 2 640 m² hall for manufacturing and storage of finished goods at the site of Honsa Kft., a leading producer of components for the motor industry, in Pécs, Hungary. The new hall should help to better satisfy demand for the company's products, meet safety standards for workers, improve storage and quality of final products, increase efficiency and reduce costs by 2 % through provision of adequate on-site warehousing.

The effects of the development significantly exceeded expectations, thus assisting the development of the town, its agglomeration and the whole region. This was one of the projects creating the largest number of new jobs in South Transdanubia which, in the case of a site development project, is a significant achievement.

Andreas Koller, Plant Manager, Honsa Kft.

Demand among vehicle manufacturers for Honsa products is rising. Through helping to satisfy this demand, construction of the new facilities will also help to increase revenue. This will have significant accumulative effects such as job creation and a positive impact on the economy.

The site at which development has taken place is used for manufacturing load-holding platforms, sunshades, furniture sheets and motor components. As well as manufacturing, Honsa is involved in development, design, component production and trade.

Job creation targets significantly exceeded

At the start of the project, the company undertook to create 30 jobs. This commitment has been significantly exceeded, as 76 jobs have been created. The company also committed itself to increasing the number of female employees by 12, whereas in fact 46 new jobs have been filled by women. In addition, company revenues increased from some EUR 6.5 million in 2009 to almost EUR 26 million in 2013 and around EUR 32.5 million in 2014.

Towards the future

The mid-term objective of Honsa is to distinguish itself from other component manufacturers and become a component and system supplier. A further increase in revenues is expected from additional refining, laminating and mounting of finished products, which should attract more investment and create jobs. Another objective is to ensure that the low-weight, resistant and flexible materials produced by Honsa are used in innovative electric vehicles, in relation to which partial successes have already been achieved.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Site development at Honsa Kft.” is EUR 810 000, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 320 000 from the Operational Programme “South Transdanubia” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.