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New instruments for Toruń music school promote love of music

  • 15 November 2019

A total of 57 musical instruments and sets of instruments were bought for the Karol Szymanowski Complex of Music Schools in Toruń under this EU-funded project. The project has allowed the school to continue pursuing its goal of producing new generations of professional musicians and developing appreciation for the art of music among residents of Toruń, the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province, and tourists.

Music education develops a child’s intellectual ability and imagination. It improves their ability to concentrate and teaches them patience and the importance of consistent work to overcome difficulties and achieve a goal.

Karol Szymanowski Complex of Music Schools in Toruń

Because they are of a better standard than the school’s existing instruments, the new instruments allow the school’s most talented pupils to compete against other youth, locally and abroad. Thanks to the project, the school is able to promote its work, which contributes to efforts to recruit more students, particularly young children.

The project purchases included 10 pianos with a bench and a cover, five electric pianos, five saxophones, 13 percussion instruments, six oboes, four accordions, two bassoons, five violins, four cellos and three double basses. Over half of the project’s budget was spent on percussion instruments and pianos.

Children and young adults, ranging in age from seven to 20, participating in competitions and concerts make use of the instruments. They are from the school and from outside institutions participating in cultural events organised or co-organised by the school. The school’s orchestra uses the percussion and wind instruments for its concerts.

Better results with better tools

The new, high-end instruments have had a decisive influence on the quality of music performed at the school. This motivates the musicians and encourages people to come to concerts. The ability to work on top-class equipment allows students to use their talent to the fullest and achieve better results, creating opportunities to compete with peers from around the world.

According to the school’s analysis of its ongoing recruitment process, of the number of people attending its concerts, and of the results students have achieved at auditions and nationwide and international competitions, the project has been a success.

In the last two years, the school has introduced concerts dedicated to pre-school children as part of its recruitment efforts. Due to the interesting instruments presented during these events, the school has seen increased interest in learning to play percussion instruments. Interest in learning to play the piano is consistently high.

The benefits of musical education

According to the school, music education develops a child’s intellectual ability and imagination. It improves their ability to concentrate and teaches them patience and the importance of consistent work to overcome difficulties and achieve a goal.

They learn how to control stress during public performances and, by extension, in daily life. It teaches them to spend their time creatively using resources of higher culture. Playing together with others in chamber ensembles, orchestras and choirs, teaches children the skills and awareness needed for cooperation, as well as responsibility for themselves and others.

The school’s orchestra and its students hold several dozen performances annually. In addition, it organises the Polish National Piano Chamber Competition every two years. The 14th edition took place from 6-8 December 2018. It hosted the Bernarda Lewański National Percussion Competition from November 24-25, 2017 and will stage it again in 2019. The school cooperates periodically with the Fryderyk Chopin International Piano Competition in Szafarnia. With the school’s help, the participants were able to prepare for the performances held between May 16-19, 2019. The Polish Music Publishers proposed that the school co-organise and host the Music Education Day. This training event for music school teachers is scheduled for November 15, 2019.

The Karol Szymanowski Complex of Music Schools in Toruń consists of four schools: the State Music School of the 2nd degree, Secondary Music School of the 2nd degree, State Music School of the 1st degree and General Music School of the 1st degree.

Their history dates back to the creation of the music conservatory of the Pomeranian Music Society in December 1920. Its teaching and training offering includes piano, string instruments, bow and percussion, and singing. In addition, children are taught subjects such as Polish, German, French and English, physics, mathematics and geography.


Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Music for Copernicus – purchase of musical instruments” is EUR 490 053 (PLN 2 101 700), with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 416 545 (PLN 1 786 445) through the “Infrastructure and Environment” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning”.